1.2.�Typographical Conventions

The following describes the typographical conventions used throughout this book.


References to other sections will look like this: Chapter�7, Troubleshooting/FAQs. The format is: Chapter/section title followed by the page number in [brackets].


References to footnotes[4] appear as small superscripted numbers flowing inline with the current discussion.

Terminology & Emphasis

The introduction of a new or alternative term, as well as phrases which have been given emphasis, are formatted in italics:

  • The disk image has been sparsified

  • You should always wear clean socks

Commands & Options

The name of commands are formatted in bold, an option you would give to a command is formatted in a monospaced sequence, for example: give the -ltrsh options to the ls command.

Filesystem Paths

Names or paths to files, directories, and devices on the filesystem are formatted in a monospaced sequence: /dev/loop0p1


Examples are formatted in a gray box with a title bar which provides the example number and title.

Example�1.1.�An example of examples

[~/vdg] 18:38:17  (master)
$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 19 (Schr�dinger’s Cat)

Notes, Warnings, and Other Important Information

A note will provide additional information relevant to the current discussion.


Warnings and other important information which you should know before executing any commands will appear in an admonition such as this.

[4] Hello! I am a footnote.